The Controversy of Iraq

The Controversy of Iraq Invasion – The world can’t forget about the damage caused by the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. The true reason behind the invasion remains a mystery until nowadays. The former of US president, George W Bush claimed that Iraq hides dangerous nuclear weapons which later on proven to be wrong. The effects and damages which are caused by the invasion are huge. Many people killed and died because of the invasion.

– The Reason behind the Invasion

The controversy of the Iraq invasion which is done by the US government under the lead of George W. Bush becomes a hot topic around the world, even hotter than the amount of bonus for online poker games winner in . Bush stated that Saddam Hussein and his reign have a nuclear weapon that can threaten the safety of the world. Therefore, the US needs to make sure to destroy it by doing the invasion of Iraq and kill the leader and its people.

In fact, Iraq doesn’t have such weapons just like George W. Bush said to the public. However, the massive destruction of the war made the country broken into pieces. Some people said that the reason said by Bush is only a diversion from the true reason behind the invasion. There is an opinion that Bush wants to give a serious warning to other countries against the United States.

Destroying the heart of Arab, Bush and his reign would like to send an important message to other countries that tried to rebel that they will experience the same thing just like happened to Iraq and its leader. Bush wants to make sure the position of America as the strong county in the world.

The Controversy of Iraq Invasion

– The Controversy

The decision to do the invasion of Iraq considers as the global controversy in history. The invasion gives a deep effect on the civilians who don’t understand why the US army destroyed their homeland. The war gives bad consequences for both countries where the economy life decrease and the cost of living go higher than expected.

The future of Iraq is not clear. The people live in traumatic life and scared. Moreover, when the world found out that the invasion is a big mistake ever done by the US government. The world denounced the decision of former president Bush and his people to make one of the worst wars in history.

The world can’t forget about the damage caused by the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. Bush stated that Saddam Hussein and his reign have a nuclear weapon that can threaten the safety of the world. In fact, Iraq doesn’t have such weapons just like George W. Bush said to the public. The decision to do the invasion of Iraq considers as the global controversy in the history.

Bush dan Blair Dinyatakan Bersalah Atas Kejahatan Perang Atas Serangan ke Irak

Bush dan Blair Dinyatakan Bersalah Atas Kejahatan Perang Atas Serangan ke Irak

Bush dan Blair Dinyatakan Bersalah Atas Kejahatan Perang Atas Serangan ke Irak – Sebuah pengadilan di Malaysia, yang dipelopori oleh mantan Perdana Menteri negara itu, kemarin memutuskan George Bush dan Tony Blair bersalah atas “kejahatan terhadap perdamaian” dan kejahatan perang lainnya untuk serangan agresif 2003 mereka di Irak, serta membuat dalih yang digunakan untuk membenarkan serangan itu.

Bush dan Blair Dinyatakan Bersalah Atas Kejahatan Perang Atas Serangan ke Irak

impeachbush – Pengadilan Kejahatan Perang Kuala Lumpur yang beranggotakan tujuh orang yang menampilkan seorang profesor hukum Amerika sebagai salah satu jaksa penuntutnya tidak memiliki kekuatan penegakan formal, tetapi dimodelkan setelah pengadilan tahun 1967 di Swedia dan Denmark yang menyatakan AS bersalah atas perang. agresi di Vietnam, dan, terlebih lagi, setelah Pengadilan Nuremberg yang dipimpin AS diadakan setelah Perang Dunia II.

Baca Juga : George W. Bush Didakwa Untuk Kejahatan Perang Dari Perang di Irak 

Sama seperti AS dengan teguh mengabaikan pengadilan tahun 1967 di Vietnam, Bush dan Blair sama-sama mengabaikan panggilan yang dikirimkan kepada mereka dan dengan demikian diadili secara in absentia. Pengadilan memutuskan bahwa nama Bush dan Blair harus dimasukkan dalam daftar penjahat perang, mendesak agar mereka diakui seperti itu di bawah Statuta Roma, dan juga akan mengajukan petisi ke Pengadilan Kriminal Internasional untuk melanjutkan tuntutan yang mengikat.

Upaya semacam itu kemungkinan akan sia-sia, tetapi seorang pengacara Malaysia menjelaskan motif pengadilan tersebut kepada The Associated Press : “ Untuk orang-orang ini yang telah kebal dari penuntutan, kami ingin mengadili mereka di forum ini untuk membuktikan bahwa mereka melakukan kejahatan perang.”

Dengan kata lain, karena negara mereka sendiri menolak untuk meminta pertanggungjawaban mereka dan dapat menggunakan kekuatan mereka untuk mencegah badan-badan internasional melakukannya, pengadilan ingin setidaknya pengakuan hukum formal atas kejahatan perang ini untuk dicatat dan bukti kesalahan mereka dikumpulkan Itulah alasan yang sama panel terpisah dari pengadilan ini akan mengadakan sidang akhir tahun ini atas tuduhan penyiksaan terhadap Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld dan lain-lain.

Inilah yang menurut saya mencolok tentang ini. Hampir setiap elit politik dan media yang serius di Amerika, menurut definisi, akan mencemooh pengadilan ini; beberapa hal yang dianggap lebih aneh atau menggelikan daripada gagasan bahwa George Bush dan Tony Blair harus dihukum sebagai penjahat perang hanya karena mereka secara agresif menyerang negara lain dan menyebabkan kematian sedikitnya 150.000 orang tak bersalah dan jutaan lainnya mengungsi .

Tetapi satu-satunya hal yang dilakukan pengadilan Malaysia ini adalah menerapkan prinsip-prinsip yang jelas dari Pengadilan Nuremberg seperti yang diucapkan oleh jaksa utama dan mantan Jaksa Agung AS Robert Jackson dalam Pernyataan Pembukaan dan Penutupannya di Nuremberg:

Kejahatan utama dalam pola kejahatan ini, gembong yang menyatukan mereka semua, adalah plot untuk perang agresif. Alasan utama pengakuan internasional atas kejahatan ini terletak pada fakta ini. Apa yang membuat pemeriksaan ini penting adalah bahwa para tahanan ini mewakili pengaruh jahat yang akan mengintai di dunia lama setelah tubuh mereka kembali menjadi debu.

Dan izinkan saya menjelaskan bahwa sementara undang-undang ini pertama kali diterapkan terhadap agresor Jerman, undang-undang tersebut mencakup, dan jika itu untuk melayani tujuan yang bermanfaat, undang-undang ini harus mengutuk agresi oleh negara lain mana pun, termasuk mereka yang duduk di sini sekarang dalam penghakiman.

Kejahatan “gembong” dari para terdakwa Jerman bukanlah genosida atau pembersihan etnis, melainkan “rencana untuk perang agresif,” dan satu-satunya cara Pengadilan Nuremberg akan “melayani tujuan yang berguna” adalah jika hal itu berlaku sama di masa depan untuk “agresi oleh negara lain , termasuk mereka yang duduk di sini sekarang dalam penghakiman.”

Menurut Anda siapa yang akan (dan harus) dilihat lebih baik oleh sejarah? Mereka yang berada di pengadilan Kuala Lumpur ini yang keberatan dengan kejahatan perang yang keji yaitu serangan ke Irak dan berusaha untuk meminta pertanggungjawaban para pemimpin yang bertanggung jawab di bawah prinsip Nuremberg, atau mereka yang ada di Amerika dan Inggris yang mencemooh upaya tersebut (ketika mereka tidak melakukannya).

Pemerintah Sunni Bahrain berjanji “tidak ada kekebalan” bagi siapa pun yang dicurigai melakukan pelanggaran dan mengatakan akan mengusulkan pembentukan komisi pengawas hak asasi manusia permanen. “Semua orang yang telah melanggar hukum atau mengabaikan perintah dan instruksi yang sah akan dimintai pertanggungjawaban,” kata pernyataan pemerintah, yang mengatakan laporan itu mengakui bahwa “praktik penganiayaan sistematis” berakhir tak lama setelah darurat militer dicabut pada 1 Juni.

Seperti yang dikatakan Andrew: “Jadi kediktatoran Timur Tengah memiliki akuntabilitas yang lebih demokratis untuk penyalahgunaan kekuasaan, termasuk penyiksaan, daripada AS di bawah Obama.”

Di luar hal-hal seperti ini dan fakta-fakta yang diuraikan dalam paragraf terakhir di sini , mungkin Andrew dapat menggunakan postingannya hari ini untuk membantu menjernihkan misteri yang menjulang tinggi yang dia kemukakan kemarin tentang kekecewaan liberal terhadap Obama. Bahwa penjahat perang Amerika secara agresif dilindungi dari setiap dan semua pertanggungjawaban bukanlah masalah tambahan tetapi salah satu signifikansi sejarah yang bertahan lama.

George W. Bush Didakwa Untuk Kejahatan Perang Dari Perang di Irak

George W. Bush Didakwa Untuk Kejahatan Perang Dari Perang di Irak

George W. Bush Didakwa Untuk Kejahatan Perang Dari Perang di Irak – Dalam sebuah drama baru, Bush didakwa dengan tiga kejahatan menyeluruh yang dihasilkan dari perang di Irak—dan setiap malam juri dari penonton memberikan suara apakah dia bersalah atau tidak.

George W. Bush Didakwa Untuk Kejahatan Perang Dari Perang di Irak

impeachbush – Presiden George W. Bush dinyatakan bersalah atas kejahatan perang tadi malam di Pengadilan Kriminal Internasional di Den Haag . Suara juri adalah 6-3. Jangan khawatir jika Anda tidak tahu presiden ke-43 itu diadili . Ini adalah keputusan di luar Broadway, kesimpulan dari drama baru berjudul The Trial of an American President . Persidangan itu fiksi, tetapi suara, dari sembilan anggota audiens yang dipilih untuk menjadi juri, sangat nyata.

Baca Juga : Mantan Ajudan Powell: Dick Cheney Takut Dituntut Atas Kejahatan Perang 

Dalam drama itu, Bush didakwa dengan tiga kejahatan menyeluruh yang dihasilkan dari perangnya melawan Irak . Saksi muncul di rekaman video—termasuk warga sipil tak berdosa yang keluarganya dihancurkan dan korban penyiksaan di Guantanamo. Seorang ibu di barat tengah berduka atas putranya yang berusia 19 tahun yang hilang dalam perang yang mendaftar karena “dia percaya padamu” dan bertanya untuk apa dia mati.

Presiden mengungkapkan penyesalannya pada semua penderitaan tetapi bersikeras dia memulai perang karena suatu alasan. Dia mengungkapkan hubungannya yang telah lama tidak terbukti antara serangan 9/11 dan Irak dan menambahkan, “Naluri saya mengatakan kepada saya bahwa Saddam perlu disingkirkan.”

Meskipun drama ini hanya berfokus pada Bush, pemilihan waktu musim pemilihan ini membuat Anda berpikir tentang calon Presiden lain yang mengandalkan nalurinya dan memuntahkan informasi buruk sebagai fakta. Dukungan kasual Donald Trump terhadap senjata nuklir dan waterboarding, dan rencananya untuk melawan teroris dengan menargetkan keluarga mereka, dapat dengan mudah membuatnya menghukumnya di Den Haag.

“Apa yang terjadi di Amerika saat ini adalah hal yang memalukan, dan jika Trump menjadi presiden dan melakukan hal-hal yang dia katakan, itu akan menjadi horor,” kata penulis naskah pertama kali Dick Tarlow.

Tarlow memiliki karir yang panjang dan sukses sebagai eksekutif periklanan, dan setelah menghasilkan banyak uang dengan menjual Polo Ralph Lauren dan Revlon dan produk glamor lainnya, gilirannya ke politik yang serius adalah kejutan.

“Saya membaca sepuluh atau dua belas buku tentang Bush dan setidaknya tiga buku yang menuduhnya melakukan kejahatan perang,” kata Tarlow. “Saya mencoba untuk tidak memihak dalam drama itu, tetapi saya pribadi berpendapat bahwa apa yang dilakukan Bush adalah ilegal dan konsekuensinya adalah bencana.”

Jaksa, yang diperankan oleh Michael Rogers, tinggi, mengesankan, dan seperti dewa dalam jubah panjang biru cerah. (Pikirkan Morgan Freeman muda.) Gayanya yang intens dan suaranya yang keras membuat Anda langsung memihaknya. Bush, dengan setelan yang sedikit kusut, mencoba menjelaskan bahwa dia bukan monster dan banyak berdoa agar dia melakukan apa yang Tuhan inginkan.

“Ketika Anda membaca tulisan Bush sendiri, sungguh menakjubkan betapa dia berurusan dengan agama,” kata Tarlow. “Dia adalah seorang Kristen yang kuat dengan tujuan untuk membawa cita-cita dan demokrasi kita ke negara lain, betapapun salah arahnya.”

Para saksi video memberikan drama itu beban emosional terbesar, mengingatkan kita bahwa diskusi tentang “kebijakan luar negeri” tidak abstrak. Seorang wanita menggambarkan sebuah rudal yang menewaskan 62 tetangganya dan yang lain bertanya-tanya mengapa keluarga dibantai.

Bush menjelaskan bahwa itu adalah harga yang Anda bayar untuk sebuah kemenangan.

“Tidak, orang yang tidak bersalah yang membayar dengan nyawa mereka,” teriak jaksa.

Tony Carlin, aktor yang memerankan George Bush, bercanda bahwa ketika dia menonton video yang diputar di belakangnya, dia menyadari bahwa dia tidak akan mendapatkan banyak simpati penonton.

“Begitu Anda membuat Rumsfeld dan Dick Cheney tertawa, itu adalah kesepakatan yang dilakukan,” katanya.

Carlin adalah aktor karakter, “tapi saya belum pernah melakukan George Bush sebelumnya. Saya pikir pada bacaan pertama saya melakukan Will Ferrell melakukan Jon Stewart melakukan George Bush. ”

Sekarang dia berhenti melihat Bush sebagai karikatur, dan bahkan jika dia tidak setuju dengan kebijakannya, “Saya percaya dia mempercayai mereka.” Dia pikir hati religius Bush itu nyata tetapi kurangnya pengalamannya merusak.

“Saya melihatnya sebagai atlet lembut yang memiliki beberapa kebijakan publik dan baik-baik saja sebagai gubernur Texas. Tapi dia belum siap untuk panggung internasional, dan itu luar biasa bahwa dia memiliki delapan tahun.”

Bisakah dia membayangkan Trump dalam situasi yang sama?

“Saya muak dengan prospek Trump menang,” kata Carlin. “Saya dibesarkan di New York di mana kami menganggapnya sebagai orang yang kasar dan suka menghabiskan uang. Dia adalah orang yang menggunakan kampanye untuk membayar dirinya sendiri.”

Dalam drama itu, Bush mengatakan bahwa “Sebagai panglima tertinggi, saya tidak berpikir saya berutang pembelaan kepada siapa pun atas tindakan saya.” Sangat menakutkan untuk membayangkan arogansi yang mungkin dikatakan oleh kandidat Partai Republik saat ini.

Ketika George Bush menjadi presiden dalam kehidupan nyata, dia menyingkirkan Amerika Serikat dari yurisdiksi Pengadilan Kriminal Internasional dan karenanya tidak dapat dituntut atas kejahatan perang.

Tarlow berusaha terlalu keras untuk menjelaskan bagaimana persidangan ini bisa terjadi. Ide dasarnya adalah bahwa Bush secara sukarela muncul untuk memulihkan nama dan warisannya, bahkan mengetahui bahwa dia bisa berakhir di penjara. Itu mengganggu dan tidak perlu. (Teater yang bagus membawa Anda ke dunianya. Apakah ada yang membuat Hamilton bertanya-tanya apakah Menteri Keuangan benar-benar nge-rap dengan Thomas Jefferson?)

Terlepas dari kesalahan rookie karena terlalu banyak eksposisi, permainan ini membangun intensitas melalui tiga hari percobaan. Dihadapkan dengan kesaksian menyakitkan dari orang-orang tak bersalah yang disiksa, Bush mengakui bahwa beberapa tindakan tercela dan mengklaim bahwa jika dia tahu, dia tidak akan memaafkan mereka.

“Jika kita tidak berpegang pada standar yang kita pegang sebagai musuh, maka kita adalah musuh,” katanya dengan benar. Mau tak mau dia berharap dia sampai pada kesimpulan itu di awal perang.

Mendengarkan jaksa, Anda tiba-tiba menyadari kehancuran yang dapat ditimbulkan oleh seorang presiden Amerika di dunia. Kehidupan sehari-hari orang-orang di seluruh dunia dapat hancur tanpa alasan.

“Ada orang-orang di Irak yang sangat menderita atas apa yang kami lakukan,” kata Tarlow. “Saya ingin memanusiakan permainan sehingga bukan hanya statistik.”

Carlin melakukan yang terbaik, tetapi dengan jaksa yang kuat dan video emosional, dek ditumpuk melawannya. Kecuali bus datang dari Kennebunkport, juri penonton mungkin akan menganggap Bush bersalah setiap malam.

Penonton menjadi sangat terlibat dalam pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh drama tersebut, dan Tarlow berharap untuk memfilmkannya untuk pemirsa yang lebih luas. “Saya ingin mendapatkan beberapa stasiun kabel untuk memasangnya, dan kemudian membiarkan rakyat Amerika memilih apakah Bush harus dinyatakan bersalah atau tidak,” katanya. “Kami membutuhkan diskusi ini.

Mantan Ajudan Powell: Dick Cheney Takut Dituntut Atas Kejahatan Perang

Mantan Ajudan Powell: Dick Cheney Takut Dituntut Atas Kejahatan Perang

Mantan Ajudan Powell: Dick Cheney Takut Dituntut Atas Kejahatan Perang – Dick Cheney adalah “presiden untuk semua tujuan praktis” selama masa jabatan pertama George W. Bush dan “takut diadili sebagai penjahat perang,” klaim seorang mantan pejabat pemerintah.

Mantan Ajudan Powell: Dick Cheney Takut Dituntut Atas Kejahatan Perang

impeachbush – Dick Cheney adalah “presiden untuk semua tujuan praktis” selama masa jabatan pertama George W. Bush dan “takut diadili sebagai penjahat perang,” menurut kepala staf Colin Powell selama menjabat sebagai menteri luar negeri. Kolonel Lawrence Wilkerson, yang telah mengenal Cheney selama beberapa dekade, mengatakan kepada ABC News bahwa Cheney adalah “orang yang sangat pendendam.”

Baca Juga : Presiden George W. Bush dan Wakilnya Tidak Mengunjungi Eropa Karena Perintah

“Saya sama sekali tidak mengenali Tuan Cheney lagi,” tambahnya. Dalam memoarnya, “In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir,” yang dirilis Selasa, Cheney mengklaim Powell telah merusak Bush, dengan mengkritik kebijakan kepada orang-orang di luar pemerintahan. Cheney mengatakan kepada NBC News bahwa buku itu akan melihat “kepala meledak di seluruh Washington.”

“Yang benar-benar menarik perhatian saya adalah cara dia menggambarkannya (memoar): itu akan ‘menyebabkan kepala meledak,'” kata Wilkerson. “Itu visual yang cukup bagus. Dan faktanya, itu adalah jenis headline yang saya harapkan dari seorang kolumnis gosip, atau jenis headline yang mungkin Anda lihat di salah satu tabloid supermarket. Ini bukan jenis headline yang akan saya miliki. diharapkan datang dari mantan wakil presiden Amerika Serikat.

“Saya pikir dia hanya mencoba, satu, menegaskan dirinya sendiri sehingga dia tidak dalam periode waktu berikutnya diadili karena kejahatan perang dan, kedua, sehingga dia entah bagaimana membela dirinya sendiri karena dia merasa dia membutuhkan pembenaran. Itu dengan sendirinya memberi tahu Anda sesuatu tentang dia. ,” dia menambahkan.

“Dia mengembangkan kecemasan dan hampir menutupi pelindung, dan sekarang dia takut diadili sebagai penjahat perang sehingga dia menggunakan terminologi seperti ‘meledak di seluruh Washington’ karena itulah cara seseorang yang memutuskan dia tidak akan dituntut bertindak: berani , mari kita keluar di depan semua orang, bersikap seolah kita tidak peduli dan sebagainya padahal sebenarnya mereka menutupi ketakutan mereka sendiri bahwa seseorang akan menjepitnya,” tambah Wilkerson.

Mantan diktator Chili Augusto Pinochet ditangkap karena kejahatan perang.

Wilkerson mengklaim dalam wawancara bahwa Cheney mungkin menderita “kecemasan” karena, tidak seperti Wilkerson dan yang lainnya dalam pemerintahan, dia tidak bertugas di Perang Vietnam, malah menerima penangguhan.

Wilkerson menambahkan Powell tidak menentang Perang Irak; sebaliknya mantan ajudan itu mengkritik Powell karena “mengungkapkan terlalu banyak dukungan” untuk invasi tersebut.

“Dari apa yang saya baca, Cheney tampaknya mengkritik semua orang, termasuk Presiden Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, [Wakil Menteri Luar Negeri] Rich Armitage, dan sejumlah orang lain kecuali dirinya sendiri. Waterboarding adalah kejahatan perang, pengawasan yang tidak beralasan … semuanya adalah kejahatan. Saya tidak peduli apakah presiden mengizinkannya melakukannya atau tidak, itu adalah kejahatan,” katanya kepada ABC.

“Cheney adalah menteri pertahanan yang baik dalam pandangan saya. Bahkan saya akan menempatkan dia di antara tiga besar dalam sejarah singkat posisi itu. Saya tidak lagi merasa seperti itu, dan saya tidak tahu apa yang terjadi pada Cheney, ” dia menambahkan.

Wilkerson mengklaim bahwa Powell disesatkan oleh Cheney dan direktur intelijen pusat CIA, George Tenet, sebelum memberikan pidato kuncinya tentang Irak kepada PBB, selama menjelang perang.

“[Cheney] telah berada di luar sana [ke CIA] belasan kali untuk menempatkan jejak pribadinya pada George Tenet, John McLaughlin dan lainnya sehingga mereka akan tahu secara positif apa yang dia inginkan, dan apa yang dia inginkan adalah perang dengan Irak,” Wilkerson dikatakan.

ABC News mengatakan Tenet menolak berkomentar, tetapi memberikan keterangan berbeda dalam memoarnya sendiri.

Wilkerson mengatakan kepada ABC bahwa Cheney selalu “mendambakan kekuasaan.”

“Sesuatu terjadi pada Dick Cheney dan itu bukan hanya 9/11,” kata Wilkerson kepada stasiun televisi tersebut.

“Dia sangat ingin menjadi presiden Amerika Serikat … dia tahu gubernur Texas tidak mendalami apa pun kecuali bisbol, jadi dia tahu dia akan menjadi presiden dan saya pikir dia mendapatkan mimpinya. Dia adalah presiden untuk semua tujuan praktis untuk periode pertama pemerintahan Bush.”

Wilkerson, yang meninggalkan pemerintahan bersama Powell pada Januari 2005, bekerja untuk Powell selama 16 tahun. Dia mengatakan tak lama setelah meninggalkan kantor bahwa dia agak terasing dari mantan bosnya.

Presiden George W. Bush dan Wakilnya Tidak Mengunjungi Eropa Karena Perintah
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Presiden George W. Bush dan Wakilnya Tidak Mengunjungi Eropa Karena Perintah

Presiden George W. Bush dan Wakilnya Tidak Mengunjungi Eropa Karena Perintah – Mantan Presiden George W. Bush dan mantan Wakil Presiden Dick Cheney telah tidak menjabat selama lebih dari lima tahun, tetapi itu tidak berarti seluruh dunia telah melupakan mereka.

Presiden George W. Bush dan Wakilnya Tidak Mengunjungi Eropa Karena Perintah

impeachbush – Di banyak negara, kebijakan yang dipelopori Bush dan Cheney untuk memerangi terorisme terus mewarnai pandangan para mantan pemimpin Amerika Serikat terutama pembukaan pusat tahanan di Teluk Guantanamo, Kuba, dan penggunaan waterboarding dan “interogasi lanjutan” lainnya. metode yang dianggap banyak orang sebagai penyiksaan.

Baca Juga : Apakah George W. Bush, Dick Cheney Tidak Dapat Mengunjungi Eropa Karena Ancaman Penangkapan?

Seorang pembaca baru-baru ini mengirimi kami meme media sosial yang menangkap sentimen ini. Ini menunjukkan foto kedua pria itu, dengan judul, “Ketika saya tumbuh dewasa, saya tidak akan pernah percaya bahwa mantan presiden dan wakil presiden Amerika Serikat tidak akan dapat mengunjungi Eropa karena surat perintah yang luar biasa.”

Gagasan bahwa Bush dan Cheney dapat ditangkap di luar negeri tidak sepenuhnya dibuat-buat. Pada tahun 1998, diktator Chili Augusto Pinochet ditangkap di London setelah Spanyol meminta ekstradisi untuk tuduhan terkait pembunuhan warga Spanyol di Chili selama masa jabatannya.

Selain itu, politisi Israel Tzipi Livni dan Dan Meridor membatalkan perjalanan ke Inggris pada tahun 2009 dan 2010 di tengah ancaman tindakan hukum, dalam kasus Livni untuk serangan Israel di Gaza dan dalam kasus Meridor serangan Israel di kapal Turki menuju ke Gaza. (Pemerintah Inggris kemudian mengubah undang-undang tersebut , mengizinkan Livni dan yang lainnya untuk melakukan kunjungan berikutnya.) Pada tahun 2005 Donald Rumsfeld hampir menarik diri dari sebuah konferensi di Jerman sampai menerima jaminan jaksa bahwa dia tidak akan ditangkap, menurut Guardian .

Bush menarik perhatian media yang signifikan pada tahun 2011 ketika ia membatalkan perjalanan ke Jenewa, Swiss, untuk membahas Banding Israel Bersatu. Seorang pengacara kelompok itu mengatakan kepada sebuah surat kabar Swiss bahwa pembatalan itu berasal dari kekhawatiran tentang protes, bukan ketakutan akan penangkapan.

Mengingat semua ini, kami bertanya-tanya: Apakah benar-benar ada surat perintah yang luar biasa terhadap Bush dan Cheney dari otoritas yang sah, seperti yang ditunjukkan meme itu? Dan apakah kedua pria itu dalam bahaya ditangkap jika mereka meninggalkan Amerika Serikat? Jadi kami melihat lebih dekat.

Surat perintah penangkapan dan Pengadilan Kriminal Internasional

Interpol, organisasi polisi internasional, tidak mencantumkan surat perintah penangkapan yang beredar untuk Bush atau Cheney dalam database mereka yang dapat dicari . Sementara itu, para ahli hukum internasional mengatakan mereka tidak mengetahui adanya surat perintah yang tertunda, terutama dari entitas paling jelas yang mungkin mengeluarkannya – Pengadilan Kriminal Internasional di Den Haag.

ICC adalah pengadilan permanen dan independen yang menyelidiki dan mengadili orang-orang yang melakukan kejahatan perang, kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan, dan genosida, menurut Layanan Penelitian Kongres . Kasus dapat dirujuk ke ICC baik oleh negara anggota, jaksa pengadilan sendiri, atau Dewan Keamanan PBB. Pengadilan hanya menyelidiki dan menuntut kejahatan berat oleh individu (bukan oleh organisasi atau pemerintah), dan kemudian, hanya jika sistem peradilan nasional tidak mau atau tidak mampu menanganinya.

Namun, ICC “belum mengeluarkan surat perintah untuk setiap warga negara Amerika, apalagi untuk Bush, Cheney, atau siapa pun,” kata Anthony Clark Arend, profesor pemerintahan dan layanan luar negeri Universitas Georgetown.

Brett Schaefer, seorang peneliti senior di Heritage Foundation, mengatakan bahwa ICC telah melakukan dua pemeriksaan pendahuluan yang melibatkan Irak dan Afghanistan – sebuah langkah awal dalam proses tersebut. Tetapi dalam kedua kasus itu tidak ada tindakan yang tampak sudah dekat.

Dalam kasus Irak, jaksa telah mengatakan bahwa ICC tidak memiliki yurisdiksi karena beberapa alasan, termasuk bahwa Irak bukan merupakan pihak dalam undang-undang yang membentuk pengadilan, dan bahwa Dewan Keamanan PBB belum merujuk situasi tersebut ke ICC.

Tindakan terhadap Afghanistan , yang merupakan partai ICC, lebih masuk akal, dan pemeriksaan pendahuluan yang pertama kali diumumkan pada tahun 2007 sedang berlangsung. Namun, Schaefer mengatakan, “tidak pasti apakah pengadilan benar-benar akan melanjutkan ke kasus formal.”

Tetapi bahkan jika ICC benar-benar memajukan penyelidikannya ke tahap selanjutnya, hal yang paling penting adalah bahwa baik Bush maupun Cheney secara pribadi tidak dalam bahaya. Sementara 122 negara telah menjadi anggota , Amerika Serikat belum dan itu membuat perbedaan besar dalam kasus seperti ini.

Sementara pengadilan dapat menuntut individu dari negara-negara pihak ICC, seperti Inggris, untuk dugaan kejahatan bahkan di tempat-tempat seperti Irak di mana ia tidak memiliki yurisdiksi, kata Schaefer, fakta bahwa Amerika Serikat bukan pihak – setidaknya untuk saat ini berarti “ini bukan masalah bagi Presiden Bush atau Wakil Presiden Cheney.”

Hambatan untuk penuntutan

Bisa dibayangkan bahwa pengadilan nasional dapat mengambil tindakan sebagai gantinya, kata para ahli. Tetapi sementara beberapa kelompok hak asasi manusia non-pemerintah telah mendorong penuntutan pidana, para ahli yang kami periksa tidak mengetahui adanya surat perintah yang tertunda, dan publik, untuk Bush atau Cheney.

Hambatan untuk penuntutan pengadilan nasional terhadap Bush atau Cheney adalah bahwa “kebanyakan negara bagian tidak memiliki undang-undang yang mengizinkan penuntutan berdasarkan yurisdiksi universal prinsip hukum internasional yang memungkinkan negara mana pun untuk mengadili kejahatan serius tertentu, di mana pun dilakukan, ” kata Steven R. Ratner, seorang profesor hukum Universitas Michigan. “Dan beberapa yang memang telah memotongnya dalam beberapa tahun terakhir karena kekhawatiran akan membanjirnya litigasi atau masalah kebijakan luar negeri.”

Sebuah negara yang memang berusaha untuk menuntut Bush atau Cheney akan menghadapi kesulitan praktis untuk melaksanakannya serta reaksi diplomatik yang diharapkan dari Amerika Serikat. “Tidak ada negara yang tertarik untuk menangkap mantan presiden atau wakil presiden AS,” kata Ratner. “Ucapkan selamat tinggal pada hubungan baik dengan AS!” Kenyataan ini, katanya, membuat kemungkinan penuntutan Bush atau Cheney “sangat diragukan.”

Tempat Bush dan Cheney bepergian ke luar Amerika Serikat

Kami tidak dapat menemukan contoh Bush atau Cheney yang mengunjungi Eropa, tetapi mereka telah melakukan perjalanan ke negara lain sejak mereka meninggalkan kantor. Bush mengunjungi Haiti sebagai bagian dari upaya yayasan amal yang ia dirikan bersama dengan mantan Presiden Bill Clinton setelah gempa bumi dahsyat di negara Karibia itu.

Dan Bush juga bergabung dengan Clinton pada pertemuan puncak ekonomi regional yang diadakan di provinsi British Columbia, Kanada. Cheney, sementara itu, pergi ke British Columbia untuk mempromosikan bukunya, In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir .

Tapi perjalanan ini bukannya tanpa turbulensi. Biasanya, pengunjuk rasa mengikuti Bush dan Cheney di acara-acara semacam itu.

Pada acara bukunya, Cheney menghadapi kerumunan 200 orang meneriakkan dan memegang tanda-tanda yang mengatakan, “Cheney War Criminal” dan “Penyiksa,” menurut jaringan televisi Kanada CBC. Insiden itu cukup serius bagi polisi untuk mengenakan perlengkapan anti huru hara, dan itu menyebabkan satu penangkapan. Adapun perjalanan Bush ke KTT regional di Kanada, itu menarik kerumunan berukuran sama tetapi agak lebih damai, menurut CBC.

Sementara itu, baik Bush dan Cheney telah membatalkan pertemuan berbicara di Toronto, meskipun kubu mereka tidak menyebutkan kekhawatiran tentang surat perintah penangkapan sebagai alasannya. Cheney mengutip kekhawatiran “keselamatan pribadi” , sementara Bush menorehkannya menjadi “perubahan jadwal .”

Meme di media sosial mengatakan bahwa Bush dan Cheney “tidak dapat mengunjungi Eropa karena surat perintah yang luar biasa.” Klaim bahwa ada “waran yang beredar” adalah salah. Dan meskipun secara teoritis mungkin bagi pengadilan nasional untuk mengeluarkan surat perintah penangkapan terhadap salah satu dari mereka, seperti yang dilakukan dengan Pinochet, tidak ada tanda-tanda hal itu akan terjadi. Kami menilai klaim tersebut Salah.

Apakah George W. Bush, Dick Cheney Tidak Dapat Mengunjungi Eropa Karena Ancaman Penangkapan?

Apakah George W. Bush, Dick Cheney Tidak Dapat Mengunjungi Eropa Karena Ancaman Penangkapan?

Apakah George W. Bush, Dick Cheney Tidak Dapat Mengunjungi Eropa Karena Ancaman Penangkapan?Mantan Presiden George W. Bush dan mantan Wakil Presiden Dick Cheney telah tidak menjabat selama lebih dari lima tahun, tetapi itu tidak berarti seluruh dunia telah melupakan mereka.

Apakah George W. Bush, Dick Cheney Tidak Dapat Mengunjungi Eropa Karena Ancaman Penangkapan?

impeachbush – Di banyak negara, kebijakan yang dipelopori Bush dan Cheney untuk memerangi terorisme terus mewarnai pandangan para mantan pemimpin Amerika Serikat terutama pembukaan pusat tahanan di Teluk Guantanamo, Kuba, dan penggunaan waterboarding dan “interogasi lanjutan” lainnya. metode yang dianggap banyak orang sebagai penyiksaan.

Seorang pembaca baru-baru ini mengirimi kami meme media sosial yang menangkap sentimen ini. Itu menunjukkan foto kedua pria itu, dengan judul, “Ketika saya tumbuh dewasa, saya tidak akan pernah percaya bahwa mantan presiden dan wakil presiden Amerika Serikat tidak akan dapat mengunjungi Eropa karena surat perintah yang luar biasa.”

Gagasan bahwa Bush dan Cheney dapat ditangkap di luar negeri tidak sepenuhnya dibuat-buat. Pada tahun 1998, diktator Chili Augusto Pinochet ditangkap di London setelah Spanyol meminta ekstradisi untuk tuduhan terkait pembunuhan warga Spanyol di Chili selama masa jabatannya.

Selain itu, politisi Israel Tzipi Livni dan Dan Meridor membatalkan perjalanan ke Inggris pada tahun 2009 dan 2010 di tengah ancaman tindakan hukum, dalam kasus Livni untuk serangan Israel di Gaza dan dalam kasus Meridor serangan Israel di kapal Turki menuju ke Gaza. (Pemerintah Inggris kemudian mengubah undang-undang tersebut , mengizinkan Livni dan yang lainnya untuk melakukan kunjungan berikutnya.) Pada tahun 2005 Donald Rumsfeld hampir menarik diri dari sebuah konferensi di Jerman sampai menerima jaminan jaksa bahwa dia tidak akan ditangkap,.

Bush menarik perhatian media yang signifikan pada tahun 2011 ketika ia membatalkan perjalanan ke Jenewa, Swiss, untuk membahas Banding Israel Bersatu. Seorang pengacara kelompok itu mengatakan kepada sebuah surat kabar Swiss bahwa pembatalan itu berasal dari kekhawatiran tentang protes, bukan ketakutan akan penangkapan.

Mengingat semua ini, kami bertanya-tanya: Apakah benar-benar ada surat perintah yang luar biasa terhadap Bush dan Cheney dari otoritas yang sah, seperti yang ditunjukkan meme itu? Dan apakah kedua pria itu dalam bahaya ditangkap jika mereka meninggalkan Amerika Serikat? Jadi kami melihat lebih dekat.

Surat perintah penangkapan dan Pengadilan Kriminal Internasional

Interpol, organisasi polisi internasional, tidak mencantumkan surat perintah penangkapan yang beredar untuk Bush atau Cheney dalam database mereka yang dapat dicari . Sementara itu, para ahli hukum internasional mengatakan mereka tidak mengetahui adanya surat perintah yang tertunda, terutama dari entitas paling jelas yang mungkin mengeluarkannya – Pengadilan Kriminal Internasional di Den Haag.

ICC adalah pengadilan permanen dan independen yang menyelidiki dan mengadili orang-orang yang melakukan kejahatan perang, kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan, dan genosida, menurut Layanan Penelitian Kongres . Kasus dapat dirujuk ke ICC baik oleh negara anggota, jaksa pengadilan sendiri, atau Dewan Keamanan PBB. Pengadilan hanya menyelidiki dan menuntut kejahatan berat oleh individu (bukan oleh organisasi atau pemerintah), dan kemudian, hanya jika sistem peradilan nasional tidak mau atau tidak mampu menanganinya.

Namun, ICC “belum mengeluarkan surat perintah untuk setiap warga negara Amerika, apalagi untuk Bush, Cheney, atau siapa pun,” kata Anthony Clark Arend, profesor pemerintahan dan layanan luar negeri Universitas Georgetown.

Brett Schaefer, seorang peneliti senior di Heritage Foundation, mengatakan bahwa ICC telah melakukan dua pemeriksaan pendahuluan yang melibatkan Irak dan Afghanistan – sebuah langkah awal dalam proses tersebut. Tetapi dalam kedua kasus itu tidak ada tindakan yang tampak sudah dekat.

Dalam kasus Irak, jaksa telah mengatakan bahwa ICC tidak memiliki yurisdiksi karena beberapa alasan, termasuk bahwa Irak bukan merupakan pihak dalam undang-undang yang membentuk pengadilan, dan bahwa Dewan Keamanan PBB belum merujuk situasi tersebut ke ICC.

Tindakan terhadap Afghanistan , yang merupakan partai ICC, lebih masuk akal, dan pemeriksaan pendahuluan yang pertama kali diumumkan pada tahun 2007 sedang berlangsung. Namun, Schaefer mengatakan, “tidak pasti apakah pengadilan benar-benar akan melanjutkan ke kasus formal.”

Tetapi bahkan jika ICC benar-benar memajukan penyelidikannya ke tahap selanjutnya, hal yang paling penting adalah bahwa baik Bush maupun Cheney secara pribadi tidak dalam bahaya. Sementara 122 negara telah menjadi anggota , Amerika Serikat belum — dan itu membuat perbedaan besar dalam kasus seperti ini.

Sementara pengadilan dapat menuntut individu dari negara-negara pihak ICC, seperti Inggris, untuk dugaan kejahatan bahkan di tempat-tempat seperti Irak di mana ia tidak memiliki yurisdiksi, kata Schaefer, fakta bahwa Amerika Serikat bukan pihak – setidaknya untuk saat ini berarti “ini bukan masalah bagi Presiden Bush atau Wakil Presiden Cheney.”

Hambatan untuk penuntutan

Bisa dibayangkan bahwa pengadilan nasional dapat mengambil tindakan sebagai gantinya, kata para ahli. Tetapi sementara beberapa kelompok hak asasi manusia non-pemerintah telah mendorong penuntutan pidana, para ahli yang kami periksa tidak mengetahui adanya surat perintah yang tertunda, dan publik, untuk Bush atau Cheney.

Hambatan untuk penuntutan pengadilan nasional terhadap Bush atau Cheney adalah bahwa “kebanyakan negara bagian tidak memiliki undang-undang yang mengizinkan penuntutan berdasarkan yurisdiksi universal prinsip hukum internasional yang memungkinkan negara mana pun untuk mengadili kejahatan serius tertentu, di mana pun dilakukan, ” kata Steven R. Ratner, seorang profesor hukum Universitas Michigan. “Dan beberapa yang memang telah memotongnya dalam beberapa tahun terakhir karena kekhawatiran akan membanjirnya litigasi atau masalah kebijakan luar negeri.”

Sebuah negara yang memang berusaha untuk menuntut Bush atau Cheney akan menghadapi kesulitan praktis untuk melaksanakannya serta reaksi diplomatik yang diharapkan dari Amerika Serikat. “Tidak ada negara yang tertarik untuk menangkap mantan presiden atau wakil presiden AS,” kata Ratner. “Ucapkan selamat tinggal pada hubungan baik dengan AS!” Kenyataan ini, katanya, membuat kemungkinan penuntutan Bush atau Cheney “sangat diragukan.”

Tempat Bush dan Cheney bepergian ke luar Amerika Serikat

Kami tidak dapat menemukan contoh Bush atau Cheney yang mengunjungi Eropa, tetapi mereka telah melakukan perjalanan ke negara lain sejak mereka meninggalkan kantor. Bush mengunjungi Haiti sebagai bagian dari upaya yayasan amal yang ia dirikan bersama dengan mantan Presiden Bill Clinton setelah gempa bumi dahsyat di negara Karibia itu.

Dan Bush juga bergabung dengan Clinton pada pertemuan puncak ekonomi regional yang diadakan di provinsi British Columbia, Kanada. Cheney, sementara itu, pergi ke British Columbia untuk mempromosikan bukunya, In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir .

Tapi perjalanan ini bukannya tanpa turbulensi. Biasanya, pengunjuk rasa mengikuti Bush dan Cheney di acara-acara semacam itu.

Pada acara bukunya, Cheney menghadapi kerumunan 200 orang meneriakkan dan memegang tanda-tanda yang mengatakan, “Cheney War Criminal” dan “Penyiksa,” menurut jaringan televisi Kanada CBC. Insiden itu cukup serius bagi polisi untuk mengenakan perlengkapan anti huru hara, dan itu menyebabkan satu penangkapan. Adapun perjalanan Bush ke KTT regional di Kanada, itu menarik kerumunan berukuran sama tetapi agak lebih damai, menurut CBC.

Sementara itu, baik Bush dan Cheney telah membatalkan pertemuan berbicara di Toronto, meskipun kubu mereka tidak menyebutkan kekhawatiran tentang surat perintah penangkapan sebagai alasannya. Cheney mengutip kekhawatiran “keselamatan pribadi” , sementara Bush menorehkannya menjadi “perubahan jadwal .”

Meme di media sosial mengatakan bahwa Bush dan Cheney “tidak dapat mengunjungi Eropa karena surat perintah yang luar biasa.” Klaim bahwa ada “waran yang beredar” adalah salah. Dan meskipun secara teoritis mungkin bagi pengadilan nasional untuk mengeluarkan surat perintah penangkapan terhadap salah satu dari mereka, seperti yang dilakukan dengan Pinochet, tidak ada tanda-tanda hal itu akan terjadi. Kami menilai klaim tersebut Salah.

Proving George W Bush’s Bullshit About Nuclear

Proving George W Bush’s Bullshit About Nuclear

The United States’ invasion of Iraq to date still raises quite a number of questions. Even after 17 years have passed which still leaves a lot of questions and also a cold war by most of the people. There is a question that is still confusing by many people. One of the questions is what is the real reason for the President of the United States, namely George Walker Bush or the 43rd president to carry out an attack on one of the thousand nights?

Initially, this attack began when Washington believed that Saddam Hussein, who led Iraq, had weapons of mass destruction. The United States itself is worried that if the facilities it has, namely the nuclear facilities in Iraq, it can actually cause a big war. At that time, the Secretary of State in the United States said if he didn’t want smoke weapons to turn into weapons that would be very dangerous, like nuclear weapons, which could kill quite a lot of people in a short time.On the other hand, Debs and Monteiro put forward their arguments if the accusations made by the United States itself do not have any evidence. Even for one of the reasons itself is the involvement of the United States government in a false propaganda ahead of the war in Iraq itself.

Proving George W Bush's Bullshit About Nuclear

In the rebuttal expressed by Debs and also Monteiro themselves that the actual war between Iraq and the United States will not actually be related to a mass hostility or what is known as WMD. Where some of the reasons for the spread of this democratic ideology will also not affect the war that will occur. In fact, according to him, the Iraq war that will happen is motivated by the United States’ desire to return to being one of the countries that has the highest power in the whole world.Victory is indeed obtained by the Heart of the Arab Land. This country will also send messages to a number of countries, including Syria, Libya, Iran and North Korea. Where this will also assume if the United States itself is still a very large country. Bush himself decided to hold the very important decision behind all this.

Prior to the war that occurred on September 11, 2001, the Secretary of Defense in the United States in the Bush era, Donald Rumsfeld, had considered whether he would conquer Saddam and at the same time increase the credibility and influence of the United States in certain regional areas. In fact, this influence will be stronger even when these symbols will be dominated by the military and the economy in the United States will begin to be destroyed.As a result, the Bush administration, which is getting stronger day by day, must be demonstrated and proven by a major victory in the war that will be carried out. However, the United States itself needs to target a country that can be considered quite strong. Even Bush also mentioned that America should blow up something else in order to prove that the United States itself is a very strong country and is not afraid of some threats or even various ceasefires owned by other countries. A defense minister in the United States in the Bush era himself wrote in a War and Decision in 2009 itself. He even said that his actions against Iraq would make it easier to deal with weaker countries such as Libya and Syria both politically and militarily.

These War Crimes Were Approved by Dick Cheney

These War Crimes Were Approved by Dick Cheney

The war in Iran is closely connected to USA. When Bush was the president, Dick Cheney was appointed as the Vice President as well as the constructor of Iran military strategy. This decision was a huge mistake; years later the war crimes in Iran was revealed. What are the proof that Dick Cheney is behind the crime?

Inhumane Torture to Get Information
Conducting interrogation to the detainees is common technique to get information. In Iran case, the US Army, CIA and some other non-military groups take over the interrogation. Instead of asking questions, the interrogation room turns into the beating room. Various pain and tortures are inflicted to the detainees, sometimes until the interviewers hear what they want to hear.

One testament from Abed Hamed Mowhoush explains the torture quite well. He is beaten repeatedly, then put into the sleeping bag to be wrapped with electrical cords. Even the veteran interviewers know that the detainees could give valuable information if the approach is humane enough.

Dick Cheney

Sexual Abuse to Children, Men and Women
Probably people could forgive the army if they are beating the bad man. Unfortunately, the jailed persons in Iran consists of men, women and children. Not all of them are part of the harmful organizations since many are just regular citizen. They also receive unfair treatment from the army.

Probably one of the most upsetting photos is taken in Iran, showing the soldier, the translator and other US representative rape men, women and children. There is nothing more enraging to the humanity organizations other than this fact. It is impossible that Cheney knows nothing about the case.

Classified Information on The Interrogation Method
While one intelligence committee has successfully created the complete report on the interrogation method applied by US military, the document is held by internal party. Later on, the officials announce that the document is classified, not something for public consumption. Surely, it raises suspicion and questions from many parties.

The world might play blind eye if the victims do not stand for themselves. Their statements reveal the new side of Dick Cheney that the world might not know before. It turns out that he approves inhumane method to interrogate suspects. When an agent has written complete report, it is labelled as classified information.


Why These Statements by Dick Cheney Are So Controversial?
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Why These Statements by Dick Cheney Are So Controversial?

The former Vice President during Bush era, Dick Cheney, is so controversial for his statement regarding the US movement on Iran. It has double meaning and the truth comes too late to prevent huge damage in Iran. This is why he is confronted by many parties or organization. What are some of his most controversial statements?

He Will Repeat the Same Action
On September 2006, Cheney had his official interview with the press. At that time, one of the reporters asked him about the new plans for Iran. Cheney replied that the invasion by US Military team “was the right thing to do”. He also added that he would repeat the same action should there be a chance to do it again.
While his statements did not include detail, public wished that he already planned a great strategy to somehow balance the military and economy conflict. Unfortunately, Cheney’s plan killed even more US troops in the battlefield. Moreover, hundred prisoners were still locked in Guantanamo.

Why These Statements by Dick Cheney Are So Controversial

The Robust Interrogation Techniques
Many would agree that interrogation is part of the war. For the war to be over quickly, the enemy should share the details of the crime during the interrogation takes place. One of the most vicious techniques is called waterboarding, suffocating the person using water. Trusted sources leaked that US army applied it to the enemy.
When the protesters confront Cheney about this fact, he simply said that it is a necessary action. He notes that “sometimes you need more robust interrogation techniques” to get the enemy speaks. Since it is Cheney, no one could measure how robust this technique is used.

Swiftly Walking Around the Main Priority
Upon his appointment as the officer for Iran-US diplomatic discussion, Cheney promised to “making every effort to achieve successful diplomatic outcome”. Public expects him to take active steps and approach the stakeholders personally. In the end, the European countries do most parts and he just simply put his name on board.
The problem with Cheney statement is that he dances in the grey area. People have different interpretation of what he meant. In the end, people could only understand what he meant after the result is presented. They are mostly the reversed version of peace, which trigger the anger from many humanity organizations.


The Fighters of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney War Crimes Charge
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The Fighters of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney War Crimes Charge

The Fighters of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney War Crimes Charge – Being a leader is not an easy task since one decision may affect all other aspects. Even more, being a leader of a superpower country like the USA. Just take as an example, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, former president and vice president of the USA, who have war crimes charge, filed by these fighters.
• Sundus Shaker Saleh
Saleh is an Iraqi teacher who was forced to leave Iraq due to the USA invasion. She should lose many things, including being separated from her husband and son, and live in poverty in Amman, Jordan. Represented by his attorney, Inder Comar, they argue that Bush and Cheney had committed a violation of international law and indeed were responsible for the aggression.

There is a question of war legality, whether was it legal for Bush and Cheney to declare war or not since there are some overlapping facts. Not as the confusing war, players do not necessarily ask for the legality of the online betting website  since it is guaranteed that the games and the transactions are entirely legal. Furthermore, the fact is the war cause the death of more than 500,000 Iraqi and at the same time displacement of more than five million Iraqi from their homeland. It should be enough to be the accusation that both the US leader and their staffs are guilty.

• Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark
After Saleh filed the sue, Ramsey Clark also supports her by filing an amicus brief. The amicus brief advises the court more information and argument about the legality of war declared by Bush and Cheney. He also argues that Saleh’s case is the representation of an urgent matter which dealing with human rights; therefore, it should be completed.

Clark hopes that with this court process, it can inspire American citizens to be more aware of chosen leaders to have respect to the law and justice, including international law. Therefore, he argues that Bush and Cheney should hold responsible for any decisions that they make regarding the war.

These people are only two of many people who want to know the truth of this case. They also want to fight for human rights as well as to take action of responsibility towards innocents. May human rights still exist and can be enforced.

Why People Hate Bush as the President of United States
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Why People Hate Bush as the President of United States

Why People Hate Bush as the President of United States – George W. Bush was considered as one of the worst President of United States. It is because there were quite a lot of problematic and unwise decisions that he made in the past. As a matter of fact, some of those decisions were considered as the worst decisions of the history. If you do not believe in them, then you need to know about these facts about Bush that made people hate him quite much.

– Racist Election Campaign
The first one that you need to know is the way he did the election back in 1988. At that time, black people were not living as they are right now. It is because there are still a lot of topics about slavery and such things. For your information, at that time Bush was using one of the black people in Massachusetts to do a crime. His name is Willie Horton. Bush trapped him to rape a white people by releasing him from the jail. Not long after that, Bush won the election there because many people think that the governor at that time, who was Bush’s opponent, was not good enough to handle Massachusetts.

– Dishonest Case of War
The war between Iraq and United States is not something that people have to hide. It is because this war has been happening since many years ago. The point that you need to highlight is not the time length of the war. It is about the real reason why the war happened on the first place. Even though there is no real evidence about this, many people believed that Bush made up the reason. He said that Iraq has the weapon of mass destruction and something like that so that they need to be stopped. However, it has never been proved until this time.

– The Giant War Crime
If you start a war and you end it peacefully, that might be something that many people can forgive. However, it is not that way when you are talking about the war crime of Bush. One of the worst thing that he had done was the bombardment of Iraq with the total of 88,500-ton capacity of bombs. As an addition to that, the exact location where the bomb was dropped was used as the shelter for the civil defense. This is one thing that many people will never forgive from George W. Bush even after he passed away.

Torture Facts of Dick Cheney
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Torture Facts of Dick Cheney

Torture Facts of Dick Cheney – In the history of USA, the talk about torture will always be associated with Dick Cheney. Being a former vice president of United States of America in Bush’s reign, he was known for his support for torture interrogation. It quickly becomes the talk of the states and many critics are directed towards his beliefs.
– Dick Cheney’s Belief On Torture Investigation
On his presentation to the public, Dick Cheney believes that America has enemies that should be eliminated. Therefore, he adds, CIA has applied what is called as “enhanced interrogation techniques” to get valuable information from the suspects. It turns out that the technique mentioned is the torture method.
Once public realize his true intentions, many directly critics his beliefs, as it stands against the value that makes America a great nation. Many believe that using torture technique will only help to win the physical war. Even players betting in online slot uses certain techniques, but not the one that will make them lose the bet.

Say, for example, that the tortured prisoners share the information, they will be useless for the interrogators and end up being killed. Soon after one opposition leader is killed, more leaders will replace the previous one. Thus, it is not an effective method in a war against enemy.

It is a flipped logic of Dick Cheney to think that torture technique is acceptable as long as the goal could be obtained. Unfortunately, violent approach is the very reason why countries lose in the war. It carries both short- and long-term consequences for the country.

– Several Torture Facts by Dick Cheney
The defense presentation by Dick Cheney is delivered when he sides with CIA during the investigation of 9/11 attacks. He even brings some misleading proofs to make his points. In addition, he claims that the torture technique does not step out the lines of international policy.

Dick Cheney also shares that the rectal feeding practice found is part of the medication. Later on, physicians denies this statement and mentioned that such practice will improve nothing.

In conclusion, Dick Cheney’s belief on the torture investigation stands against the ethics of America, even though this attempt is taken to eliminate the enemies. Looking through the torture cases presented by Dick Cheney, each one of them is questionable. Even when it is true, publicly admitting the torture method brings short- and long-term issues to the country.

Dick Cheney Is as Bad as George W. Bush
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Dick Cheney Is as Bad as George W. Bush

Dick Cheney Is as Bad as George W. Bush – The name of Dick Cheney was quite famous around the beginning of 2000s. The second man of United States at that time was considered as the real right hand of George W. Bush, who was the number one man of United States. Luckily for Bush, or unfortunately for the American people, Cheney was the real right hand of Bush. Many people even said that they both have the same things inside their brain. It is not that easy to find out if an idea came from Bush or Cheney because what they think is relatively the same. This is also one of the reasons why a lot of people hate Dick Cheney as much as they hate their president, George W. Bush.

– War Criminal Against Iraq
The war between United States and Iraq might be one of the worst things that happened in the past. The real reason is because of the main cause of the war. Personally, Bush stated that Iraq was manufacturing a mass-murder weapon and such things. That was the main cause of the first attack of United States to Iraq at the end of 1990s. However, there are not many people who understand that the real deal behind the war was Dick Cheney. Of course, it is not a simple matter that one or two people can easily comprehend. It is because many people still think that what the president and its vice did was for the country. However, based on his statement in 2006, you can get the meaning that they will do anything that they think is right.

War Criminal Against Iraq

– Zero Communication in Government
Some people are still thinking that the incident could be stopped if there is a good communication between all of the members inside the board. That is one rational opinion to have. Unfortunately, this kind of thing did not happen in the past. Yes, the president and its vice as if talking on their own without asking for some recommendation or something like that from some other board members. They shared what they have in their mind, but they will never ask for any kind of advice. That is why their decision was considered as something final. There is no one inside the board that have the power to stop them, including the start of the war between Iraq and United States. Their war crime is not something that many people will easily forget because of the damage that was caused.

The Price Need to Pay for a War: US Invasion to Iraq
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The Price Need to Pay for a War: US Invasion to Iraq

The Price Need to Pay for a War: US Invasion to Iraq – The US invasion of Iraq takes the attention of many eyes. The event happened in 2003 but it gives a huge impact on many people, especially the Iraq citizens. Many people lost their homes, family and living in fear after the war. There are a lot of things happened during and after the war. There are prices that need to pay for both the US and Iraq after the US invasion in 2003.

  • The Cost of the War

The war costs much than we can imagine. This number is far beyond the biggest winning prize for online games. The question on the exact number of money that must be spent by the US government is never answered directly by the former president, George W. Bush. The incident of 9/11 that shocks the world can be the trigger of the extreme action done by Bush and its administrations. Bush considers that Iraq has the weapon of mass destruction that can be a real threat to the world.

Therefore, the US needs to make a real action by doing the invasion of Iraq in 2003 to destroy the weapon. Although there is no clear evidence that Iraq has the active program of the destruction weapon, the war has left massive destruction and a big loss for both for US and Iraq. Some experts predict that it costs more than 200 billion dollars for the long-term war made by the US to do the invasion of Iraq.

All the costs come from the governments and the needs during the war. There are many things need to take care and supply to make sure that the troops get enough ammunition, food and other equipment on the battlefield.

  • The Lost for Iraq

A war never gives a good memory both for the attacker and the victims. There are many things to pay for because of war. Many soldiers died in an unknown place. Many children lost their families. Some people run to find a sanctuary with no enough food and money. The nightmare always follows them every time they sleep.

Iraq has lost its country because of the invasion. The bombs and missiles have destroyed every building, such as houses, hospitals, office buildings and more. The people live in fear with no hope and future. A war is everyone’s scariest nightmare.

The US invasion of Iraq takes the attention of many eyes. There are prices that need to pay for both the US and Iraq after the US invasion in 2003. Some experts predict that the invasion costs more than 200 billion dollars. Iraq has lost its country because of the invasion. The bombs and missiles have destroyed every building, such as houses, hospitals, office buildings and more. The people live in fear with no hope and future.

The Crime of George Walker Bush

The Crime of George Walker Bush

The Crime of George Walker Bush – George Walker Bush was a 43rd President of the United States of America. He was born on July 6, 1946. His father was 41st President of the United States of America. In order to distinguish him from his father, George Walker Bush is called as Bush Junior or Bush 43. He is an American Politician as well as a businessman. Before becoming the president of the USA, he served as the 46th Governor of Texas. He became governor from 1995 to 2000. George W. Bush is being known as the president of America with a lot of controversial regulations. He came from the Republic policy. These regulations do not only affect the USA but also to the world since the USA is one of the greatest countries in the world. Some of these regulations bring George W. Bush to the court with the criminal charge in the international courts. Here are some crimes of George W. Bush.

The most memorizing crime of George W. Bush is about the Iraqi War. He lied almost everything about the Iraqi war. The first time when his father told the American about the war of Iraq and Kuwait. He made a statement that Iraq did the invasion of Kuwait without any provocation or warning. In fact, this has never happened. He also made false fabrications about the troops of the US to the Gulf. He made a statement that the reason behind sending troops is to assist the Saudi Arabian Government for defending their homeland. The real reason was to threaten the biggest U.S oil supplier by sending 250.000 Iraqi troops and 1.500 tanks on the border. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, George W. Bush announced the War on terror to Afghanistan and Iraq. The war in Afghanistan was started o 2001. Meanwhile, the war in Iraq was started in 2002. This war became one of the most terrifying wars in history. Several years after the war, Bush is being taken to the court as his crime during the Iraqi war. It is known that the culprit of 9/11 is the Al Qaeda not Saddam Hussein.

Regarding his action during his presidency time, Bush was rated below average in the historian polls. He was also a president during the 2008 financial crisis that lead to the decreasing of the presidency rating pools. Bush became president of the United States of America for two periods in a row. During his time, the Afghanistan and Iraqi wars were the most controversial regulations.

The War Crime of US Invasion to Iraq: Who is Dick Cheney?
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The War Crime of US Invasion to Iraq: Who is Dick Cheney?

The War Crime of US Invasion to Iraq: Who is Dick Cheney? – The headline of the war crime of the US invasion to Iraq takes a name as one of the people that need to be blamed for the war. He is Dick Cheney. Who is Dick Cheney and what are the lawsuits of the war crime referred to Dick Cheney?

– Who is Dick Cheney?

One of the controversial names blamed for the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 is Dick Cheney. His full name is Richard Bruce Cheney. He is an American businessman who later became a politician. Cheney was born on 30 January 1941. He is the 46th vice president of America. He took this position from 2001 to 2009. During his period of service, there is a US invasion to Iraq in 2003 which caused many people suffering.

The career of Dick Cheney in the white house started when he became 7th White House chief of the staff which lasted from 1975-1977. In 1979- 1989, Cheney became a member of the US House of representatives of Wyoming’s large district. He seems to never play online poker games in any site like , but his record isn’t that clear anyway.

He became the secretary of defense under the administration of President George W. Bush from 1989 to 1993. Took a short break from the White House, Cheney runs for Halliburton Company and took a role as the chairman and CEO of the company. It lasted from 1995 to 2000.

– The Crime War of Dick Cheney

The name of Dick Cheney becomes one of the targeted crime wars for what he did to Iraqi during the US invasion in 2003. He is pointed as one of the brains behind the death of 4000 US soldiers and 300,000 Iraqi because of the war. His decision to serve George W Bush as his vice president is said to be the worst decision ever.

The War Crime of US Invasion to Iraq, Who is Dick Cheney

Dick Cheney is also the CEO of Halliburton Company which is said to take advantage behind the invasion with his mission in getting the oil and polluting the water. Many people lost their homes and lives because of the war. Many innocent Iraqi put in the jails of Cuba and Abu Ghraib prisons. The prisoners don’t treat right. The investigation method is said to be inhuman and therefore, Dick Cheney needs to be responsible for what he did.

One of the controversial names blamed for the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 is Dick Cheney. He is the 46th vice president of America. He took this position from 2001 to 2009. He is pointed as one of the brains behind the death of 4000 US soldiers and 300,000 Iraqi because of the war. Dick Cheney is also the CEO of Halliburton Company which is said to take advantage behind the invasion with his mission in getting the oil and polluting the water.

The Controversy and Crime War of George W. Bush
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The Controversy and Crime War of George W. Bush

The Controversy and Crime War of George W. Bush – George Walker Bush was born on July 6, 1946. He was a son of George H.W Bush who was 41st President of the United States of America (USA). George W. Bush is well known as Bush Junior or Bush 43 to distinguish him from his father. Bush Junior was a businessman and a Republic politician. He became the 46th Governor of Texas from 1995 – 2000. Then, he was the 43rd President of the United States of America from 2001 – 2009 in two periods. During his presidency time, there were many controversial regulations and crimes that affected many countries. His controversy made a huge impact on the USA and the rest of the world.

The first one is the Dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy. This controversy was started on December 7, 2006. The Department of Justice under George W. Bush’s administration made an unprecedented midterm dismissal of seven U.S. attorneys. The controversy was rising up since the dismissal process was fundamentally flawed. The Congressional also had some doubts related to the Department Prosecution’s decisions. The seven attorneys were suspected as the victim to impede investigations of Republic politicians. The second one is the “War on terrorism” campaign. He made this campaign as the response of the 9/11 attack. The targets of this campaign were radical groups such as the Taliban and Al Qaeda. However, this campaign also made the increasing of Islamophobia up until now. Right after the campaign, George W. Bush also declared the Afghanistan war. This war was considered as the longest war in the USA’s history. Many civil people were killed during this war and lead to the damage of the Afghanistan government. The War in Afghanistan had different operations codes that are Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Freedom’s Sentinel.

In 2003, George W. Bush made the first invasion to Iraqi. This invasion was claimed as the actions for damaging the secret weapons of mass destruction. It also claims to cut the support of Saddam Hussein to terrorism and to free the Iraqi people. In 2007, there was the Iraq War troop surge. These troops surge increased the number of American soldiers in the Iraqi War. Even though some of the American people supported the military mission, but they asked to do a diplomatic mission instead of the military invasion. It made a lot of victims from the Iraqi people and American soldiers. In the end, the secret weapons of mass destruction were a lie.

This Letter From a Veteran Put the Entire World to Tears
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This Letter From a Veteran Put the Entire World to Tears

This Letter From a Veteran Put the Entire World to Tears – The talk about war crimes Bush and Cheney committed can never get cold. Even years after their leadership era, this issue still becomes serious problems for US citizens. Many people suffer from the war, even within the US. A letter from a young veteran came and addressed specifically to Bush and Cheney, and this letter later become famous for its content.

– A Letter from Disabled Veteran
Even though this letter isn’t more famous than those online gambling games in it significantly hits the spot when it becomes as viral. This letter was written by Tomas Young, who was described as a dying veteran and this letter is literally about more than just himself.
At the very beginning of his letter, he wrote that he speaks in behalf of so many people including the husbands, wives, children, and parents of all fellow veterans, not to mention the Iraqis. He doesn’t forget to underline that these veterans have lost their future while the families are just as devastated and suffering from the after effect.

– A Letter That Speak Thousand People’s Heart
The opening of the letter is already hurting, but the next part is even worse. After stating that he is actually dying right at that moment, he also makes sure that all these people that he mentioned know who Bush and Cheney actually are and what they actually did. Young doesn’t think that both of these former leaders really grasp all the consequences of all the lies they told everyone back then.

– Accusation on Bush and Cheney
After stating that he joined the army to defend his country after the 9/11 incident, he also mentioned that he didn’t join the army for pre-emptive war. He accused both of the former leaders of US of telling lies. While both of them insisted that the Iraqi war was aimed to bring back democracy in Baghdad and to rebuild the country in large scale. Both Bush and Cheney had been shoving the idea of damaging what they call as mass destruction weapons on everybody’s throat these times.

Young also stated that the war was merely idiocy of both Bush and Cheney. He stated that this war was began due to Bush and Cheney’s vision of their own empire, their alliance with Saudi Arabia sheiks, as well as their upmost greed on the oil company. This ambitious mission of their own finally involve millions of Iraqis and millions more of US citizens.

In the end of the letter, Young also mentioned that before both of these leaders’ death, they will find the courage and strong character to admit their crimes in front of everyone and apologize. He also hoped that both of them will be put into trial. Literally, this letter is what everyone is trying to say while millions people share the same hope as Young.

Can We Title Bush and Cheney as War Criminals?
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Can We Title Bush and Cheney as War Criminals?

Can We Title Bush and Cheney as War Criminals? – This question has been wandering on millions of people’s heads. The war in Iraqi was mentioned to bring back democracy and to rebuild the country. Meanwhile, this war is reported to be an ambitious mission of Bush and Cheney for their interest on oil companies. Surprisingly, both of these former leaders of US have been convicted as war criminals in one country.
– An Interview with Counter-Terrorism Advisor
During the interview, Richard Clarke confirmed that many of both former leaders’ decisions fall into war crimes. By these decisions and authorizations, both Bush and Cheney directly committed war crimes and they deserve to be put into trial.

The interview alone is already a kind of reminder for all that this particular Bush and Cheney case has gone under the radar somehow. Both of them put people into terrible war with too many citizens of both countries being the victims.

– What Malaysian Court Has to Say
Back in 2012, there was a trial hold for Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and both former leaders’ advisors of legal including John Yoo, Jay Bybee, William Haynes, David Addington, and Alberto Gonzales. The trial was done in absentia, but the result is satisfying. The Malaysian court convicted all those names mentioned as war criminals. They are accused of degrading and inhuman treatment during the war, and cruel torture.

Can We Title Bush and Cheney as War Criminals

The Malaysian court released this verdict after week long of hearing and trial. There is no confirmation whether the International Criminal Court will handle the next step, but people actually hope so. Until today, this case hasn’t been taken care of as it should be, and most possibly, it is caused of several challenges for taking it into international trial.

In sum, the Iraqi war was one of the dirtiest war histories in the US. Most of the citizens are ashamed of this and they expect Bush and Cheney to come clear at this. According to so many interviews done by many parties and organizations, most of the victims don’t expect punishment to both of them. However, they expect them to come forward and apologize.

If these people can ignite war on their own, it should one hell of an effort to put them into trial. We should imagine how they will be prepared to flee from their responsibility. This isn’t the first time though.

Fact behind Bush and Cheney Meme
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Fact behind Bush and Cheney Meme

Fact behind Bush and Cheney Meme – There was a viral meme back in 2014, showing Bush and Cheney sitting side by side on their formal office suits. The striking point is the caption added in the picture. What the meme says ignited curiosity, and this wasn’t very surprising due to so many statements that day, saying that both former leaders are war criminals. So what about it?

– What the Meme Says
Meme seems to be an important part of social life today. There are many kinds of memes, from online gambling memes promoting sites to political ones that we are going to discuss right now. This particular meme is meant to be sarcastic. It says:
“When I was growing up, I would never have believed that the former president and vice president of the United States would be unable to visit Europe due to outstanding warrant.”

“This sentence alone has tremendous effect to people. ” sentence, this meme caption actually ignited questions whether both of them were facing serious warrant.

– The Considered Possible Fact behind It
Let’s consider the possibility. Outstanding warrant is actually highly possible. The only institution with the right to issue it is the International Criminal Court (ICC). The ICC has the authority to put someone, not an organization or institution, into justice if he or she is proven to be guilty of genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. By definition, it should include Bush and Cheney in many ways of what they did.

So, if the ICC issues such warrant, the entire cancelation on trips to any part of Europe becomes logical. But then, a shocking update came. Many international law experts stated that they didn’t aware of such a thing. They believed there was no warrant or a kind issued or in pending to issue.

– A Little Explanation on It
Apparently, there was no warrant at all. Cancellation in Toronto was mainly scheduling change. Other cancelations were said to be for the same reason or personal safety if not to prevent riots and protests. Hang on there, it seems like they still can avoid their crime.

Despite to the fact the meme catches a lot of attention and ignites a lot of hope, it seems like it is wrong after all. There is no outstanding warrant whatsoever. Bush and Cheney are still free until today, and no one is trying to put them into trial for their war crimes.

Against Forgetting the Cruelty of Bush and Cheney
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Against Forgetting the Cruelty of Bush and Cheney

Many people remembered all of the good things that their president and vice president have given as one part of their dedication to the United States. Unfortunately, there are some men who are remembered because of the bad things that they have done during their dedication time as the president and the vice president of United States. They are George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. These names are quite famous for their main decision to attack Iraq because they think that Iraq has the mass destruction weapon with the biological technologies that are as dangerous as a nuclear weapon. Unfortunately, the accusation was considered as a false accusation. That is because some years after that, there are still no proofs related with the ownership of any kind of nuclear weapon of Iraq.

Even though many people do not have any problem with this kind of accusation, many of them still care enough to understand that Bush and Cheney has the main control over many attacks that United States launched to Iraq. As an addition to that, many of those attacks killed a lot of innocent people in Iraq. For those who are curious, there are thousands of innocent members were killed because of the attacks from the American missiles to Iraq. That is not something that many people will want to forget.

Against Forgetting the Cruelty of Bush and Cheney

As an addition to that, the fact that they illegally spying on many American people after the WTC tragedy was also something worth to remember. That is because the thing that they did was meant for the greater good, but the way they do it was considered as something against the constitution and the right of the citizens of United States of America. The last but not least, the way they treat their prisoners to get the information that they need are also considered as something inhuman. Some people might never think about this, but there are a lot of news saying that there are a lot of war prisoners and such things that were tortured based on the policies from Bush to get all of the information that are needed by the country. Even though these two men said that those things were just a mere interrogation tactic, there are a lot of people who agreed that those things are considered as one part of torture. That is not something that many people will easily forget.